Hi Matt, Hi Matthew, 

I hope your week is off to a great start! This email contains important reminders as we look forward to CEP 956 Week 4 online (Sept 16-22).  Thank you for reading. 

Login to the course site to see the schedule for this week (Sept 16-22):



Please Check-in with your Base Group at the beginning of the week by answering the Base Group Check-in questions early in the week (e.g., Tues or Wed) and then, Check-out by answering the Check-out questions at the end of the week.

1) Login to the course website. 
2) Then, go to that week’s schedule page and find the Base Group Check-in (or Check-out) question for the week (e.g., W4 Sept 16-22 Online from the drop-down menu)
3) Email or otherwise contact your Base Group members when you have Checked-in and Checked-out to let them know you have done so. This way the group can help support its members, get to know its members, and build trust over time.
4) To see how your answers and scores compare with your group overall, go to the Base Groups page. Find your Base Group.  Click on your group and find the appropriate tab at the top to see the other member(s) Check-in or Check-out Answers.


“Defining Social Media and Learning in Society” 
Last week we discussed Clark and Kozma’s debate on do/will/can media ever influence learning. We discussed the importance of theoretical framing, underlying epistemologies, theories and definitions of learning and media, and the intellectual history upon which even asking such questions is based. This week you are asked to read several papers on “social media” and “learning” and consider how we ought to define these terms in a particular context with a particular underlying learning theory.  


  • Post initial responses to Discussion Board questions by Thursday, September 19 at midnight EST.
  • Post two responses (per question) by Saturday, September 21 at midnight EST.
The goal of the online forum is to give you time to engage deeply with the readings & generate sparks for in-class discussion.

COMING TUESDAY 9/17! Scores for Interest Statements & Week 2 Discussion

I will have your scores for the Interest Statement and Week 2 discussion in D2L by tomorrow, Tuesday 9/17. 

NEW! Guest Speaker on Monday 9/23

One of my former students, who successfully published as a result of this course, will be sharing his experiences and tips with you when we meet on Monday 9/23 via Zoom. Come with your questions.

Any questions for me, please let me know.

Thanks, and see you online!


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