CEP 956 Week 6 Announcement
Subject: CEP 956: Week 6 Online (Sept 30-Oct 6)
Emailed: Monday 9/30/19
Hi Matt, Hi Matthew,
Welcome to Week 6 Online of CEP 956 as we begin our course’s Part II: Research on Learning (with/on/through) Social Media – Cognitive, Social, Emotional Issues. This email contains several tips on writing and information for this online week. Thank you for reading it carefully!
Login to the course site to see the schedule for this week (Sept 30-October 6):
NEW! Scores for Wk 4 Discussion now available in D2L. Check them out.
REMEMBER! If you haven’t already, check out my feedback on your cover letter email and send it out.
- If you want to revise your cover email based on my feedback, I can take another look at it. The goal, though, is to send your cover email out this week and tell us in class on 10/7 how it went. Did you get a response?
Please Check-in with your Base Group at the beginning of the week by answering the Base Group Check-in questions early in the week (e.g., Tues or Wed) and then, Check-out by answering the Check-out questions at the end of the week.
1) Login to the course website.
2) Then, go to that week’s schedule page and find the Base Group Check-in (or Check-out) question for the week (e.g., W6 Sept 30-October 6 Online from the drop-down menu)
3) Email or otherwise contact your Base Group members when you have Checked-in and Checked-out to let them know you have done so. This way the group can help support its members, get to know its members, and build trust over time.
“Social Networks, Microblogs and Learning”
Last week we considered how to define “social media” and “learning” generally and within the field of Educational Technology. We attended to defining these terms in context with a particular underlying learning theory.
This week you’ll dive deeper to consider the findings and argument structure of published research on two of the most popular types of social media worldwide – social network sites (e.g., Facebook) and microblogs (e.g., Twitter) – which are also the most studied in education. You will consider “learning” within these spaces as defined by several different researchers.
- Post initial responses to Discussion Board questions by Thursday, October 3 at midnight EST.
- Post two responses (per question) by Saturday, October 5 at midnight EST.
- IMPORTANT: The W6 Question 1 and W6 Question 2 in the discussion forum have multiple parts – just like your Comps Questions will. For the Question 1, you are asked to “Argue your position (for or against) use of social network sites or microblogs for learning and/or educational purposes using these readings. Ground your claims in evidence from the readings, with citations and page numbers. Anticipate others counter-arguments in your response.”
- You will want to quote directly or paraphrase excerpts from the readings that support your key points.
- In your initial post, you must also anticipate and respond to what critics of your argument might say.
- IMPORTANT: For Question 2, remember to address at least 2 aspects: “What technique(s) does the author use to persuade you of the importance and/or reliability and/or truthfulness and/or accuracy and/or practical impact of his or her findings? You don’t have to address all of these points in your answer but pick at least 2.”
- A good way to structure your response (here and in Comps) is to repeat part of the question in your topic sentence (e.g., “Ellison et al. uses several techniques to persuade readers of the importance and reliability of her findings. For instance, …”)
- Article for Publication: Outline Due before class on Mon, October 7. Submit to Dropbox in D2L
- There is no one right way to do this. We talked about looking at sample articles from the target journal and looking at the SITE call for proposals for sample word counts and how to structure these. (Matt, here is info about how to structure your SITE paper: http://site.aace.org/conf/categories/)
- Be ready to share your Outline when we meet synchronously on 10/7.
COMING TONIGHT/TOMORROW! I’ve assembled a number of resources for your Social Media Activity: LinkedIn. I’m in the process of getting those posted on the course website so be looking for a second email from me by tonight/tomorrow which provides an overview of those resources and some tips for working on your LinkedIn.
I’m also working on your Supplemental Readings List. More on that in my second email to you, too.
Any questions for me, please let me know. Thanks, and see you online!