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W2 Q0
INTRODUCE YOURSELF. Please provide us with a brief bio describing your educational background, current role/job, PhD program title and career goals (e.g., why are you getting a PhD? What do you hope to develop expertise in? Future job aspirations?). Finally, please tell us 2 topics that you are interested in relevant to this course and 2 things you hope to get out of the course. (Don't worry about going over the word limit for this post ;-)

W2 Q1
Thirty years ago, Richard Clark published an article in one of our field’s top journals, arguing that there were “no learning benefits” from media. The article sparked widespread attention, heated arguments and bitter contention. Almost a decade later, Robert Kozma, publishing in that same journal argued the opposite. We ground ourselves in the key points and dimensions of this historical debate that has shaped our field and continues to frame our exploration into the contemporary landscape of mind, media, learning and society. If your last name begins with A-N, assume the role of Richard Clark. What are Clark’s central points about the impact of media and attributes of media on learning, motivation and instruction? Which of his points do you find most convincing or irrefutable and why? Respond to your peer(s) who played the opposite role. If your last name begins with O-Z, assume the role of Robert Kozma. What are Kozma’s central points about the conditions under which media will influence learning? Which of his points do you find most convincing or irrefutable and why? Respond to your peer(s) who played the opposite role.

W2 Q2
Consider the Clark and Kozma debate. Now, putting aside your assigned role, what do you believe based on your reading of their arguments and evidence presented. Will or does media influence learning? (As you explain your answer think about what conditions or factors or contexts or questions we need to consider in trying to address this question in our course).
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W4 Q1
What aspects of social media (also termed ‘Web 2.0’) do you think offer affordances for, or could be supportive of, learning in certain contexts? Why do you think that? First, start by explaining your theory of learning (e.g., constructivism, behaviorism, constructionism, activity theory, etc. There are MANY theories of learning from which you can choose). Next, consider how the technology’s affordances, on the one hand, and the theory of learning you hope to facilitate or enact, on the other hand, could be synergistic, or mutually support each other. You should also choose a SPECIFIC social media to bound your answer (e.g., social network sites, microblogging services, wikis, video-sharing sites, photo-sharing sites, blogs, etc.). The optional readings by Carr and Shirky may also help with this question, although not necessarily based on the social media and learning theory you choose.

W4 Q2
Think of your own experiences in using social media. Grounded in the readings: 1) define the space – what made it social media (i.e., provide support from the readings in your definition); 2) how would you characterize your practices or activities in this space (i.e., what did you do there, with whom, for what purposes?); and 3) how did your participation in the space facilitate your ‘learning,’ if at all, or hinder it?

Consider the Manca & Ranieri (2013) literature review article in light of what you know of quality literature reviews and essential elements of academic writing (e.g., presentation of Need, Purpose, Sample(s), Methods, Results, Conclusions, Limitations, Implications). Critically evaluate this article in terms of the quality of their literature review (strengths and weaknesses). I have included an optional reading by Boote & Beile on quality in dissertation literature reviews to help you.
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Researchers have warned against exploiting social network sites, like Facebook, for learning based on findings related to cognitive and social issues. Other scholars have argued the opposite. Consider this week’s set of readings in the educational research literature. Argue your position (for or against) use of social network sites or microblogs for learning and/or educational purposes using these readings. Ground your claims in evidence from the readings, with citations and page numbers. Anticipate others counter-arguments in your response.

Consider the Junco and Ellison readings. Which article’s argument do you find most compelling? What technique(s) does the author use to persuade you of the importance and/or reliability and/or truthfulness and/or accuracy and/or practical impact of his or her findings? You don’t have to address all of these points in your answer but pick at least 2.
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W8 Q1
Drawing on your reading of Greenhow & Gleason (2014) and articles that highlight the literacy debates raging today (e.g., Rich, Slater Tate, Ajayi, Mills), what ‘literacies’ do you feel scholar-teachers need to develop to work in modern day work environments, which typically include a blend of teaching and research? Why do you feel these literacies are important? Finally, as you reflect on these readings, what important cognitive, social, or emotional issues do they raise for educational researchers to consider? Provide evidence from the readings to support your points. Feel free to draw on empirical evidence from these readings in addition to other studies with which you may be familiar.
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W10 Q1
If your last name begins with M-Z imagine that you have been asked by the head of an educational organization (e.g., high school, college, youth program, teacher professional development program, etc.) to present a proposal for enhancing students’ learning by adding a social media component. (Students could be high school students, undergraduates, practicing teachers, etc.). Drawing on theory and relevant research: 1) present a realistic recommendation for adding social media to the learning environment; 2) discuss the role of the instructor in implementing this vision, including the learning and/or teaching objective and the kinds of pedagogies or teaching methods and/or pedagogical beliefs and attitudes that are needed. Be sure to ground your recommendations in this week’s readings, but you may also bring in other readings from this course or outside it. Please specify the course, grade, age of learners and other factors you think are relevant to your recommendations. If your name begins A-L, imagine that you have been asked by the head of an educational organization to make a case AGAINST the integration of social media in a learning environment. Be sure to address #1 and #2 above with evidence from the readings and provide enough details about the factors (course, grade, age, etc.) that are relevant to your recommendation.

W10 Q2
Pick one or two readings on the Readings List under the topic "Facilitating Learning with Social Media." These can be readings related to K-20 education or adult education/teacher learning under "Professionals learning and development with social media" or articles from the "Optional Readings" under the "Facilitating Learning with social media" umbrella. How does this article relate to your area of research (or teaching) interest? What points of convergence and divergence do you see between this piece and the others you have read for this course so far?
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W12 Q1
Review the readings for this week. Considering social media in society more broadly, where would you focus our efforts on the policy front - what more is needed from your perspective? What ideas in what you read did you find most compelling, least compelling and why?
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W14 Q1
This question asks you to reflect on the readings and themes in this course. For instance, take a look again at the readings list in the 4 sections of the course, their thematic groupings along 'mind' (cognitive, social, affective dimensions), social media (foundational debate and definitions), and learning in society (pedagogy and policy dimensions). Describe one of your beliefs about mind, social media & learning in society that was challenged this semester by the readings? Describe one of your beliefs about mind, social media & learning in society that was reinforced this semester by the readings?
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Christine Greenhow
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