As a part of LinkedIn, you are required to do the following:
1. Create a new profile or update your existing profile to include the following:
- Name
- Profile Picture
- Job History
- Education
- Interests
- Skills/Endorsements
Remember that the more you put on your profile, the more useful it will be for you.
2. Join at least two groups. One of these groups must be the SpartanLinks MSU Alumni group.
3. Connect with the Graduate School on Linked In
Research on using Linked In for Academics (and non-academics)
- Scholars Use of Linked In for Peer and Public Communication
- Faculty Use of Researcher Networking Tools
- Networked Scholarship and Motivations for Faculty Social Media Use in Scholarly Communication
- Learning From the Experts: An Analysis of Résumé Writers’ Self-Presentation on LinkedIn
- Getting a job via career-oriented social networking
- College Students intent to use LinkedIn for job searches and professional networking
- Beyond Resumes: LinkedIn for Marketing Educators
- Personal Branding and Social Media Use for a Competitive Job Market
- Building Networks with LinkedIn: The Potential for Connections, Internships and Jobs
- How many Friends do you Need: How to Network using Social Media
Resources for your LinkedIn Activity:
- Using LinkedIn for both Academic & Non academic job searches
- Don’t just repeat your CV, leverage LinkedIn as a supplement
LinkedIn for Academics – see research articles above.
LinkedIn for Students – While geared toward undergraduates, this still has some helpful information.
LinkedIn for the Job Hunt – see research articles above. Related news articles coming soon!
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Additional Resources: