Twitter participation: We will be trying out the social media, Twitter, as a backchannel for the course, and to help you experience some of the scholarly practices about which you will be reading, as well as to facilitate your critical reflection on the integration of this particular socio-technical space into adult learning and professional practices. Please follow these guidelines for using Twitter and for tweeting on a regular basis:

    • If you have not already, sign-up for Twitter at
    • Post your Twitter handle (for example, Chris’s is @chrisgreenhow) on our Social Media Accounts Google Spreadsheet:
    • Follow Christine Greenhow on Twitter (@chrisgreenhow). Go to or you can search for us in Twitter’s search box and click the “Follow” button.
    • Identify at least 25 people/accounts beyond our class to follow on Twitter to help you learn about your research interest area and communicating via social media. At least 20 of these people should be outside of the EPET program.
    • Post at least 1 tweet each day or 5 tweets a week for the duration of the course.
    • Vary your type of posts. Some should be a RT (re-tweet) or @mention.
    • “Favorite” the tweets in your own feed you think are worth highlighting.
    • Your tweets for this course should use the hashtag: #MSUepet so we can all see your tweet. It will show up in the course site sidebar.
    • Finally, here are some quick tips for Twitter newbies and veterans alike: A Beginners Guide to Twitter: 10 Tips for success

General Social Media & Twitter Specific Resources

Ultimate Twitter Guide:
Engagement best practices
More engagement best practices

Twitter Resources for Educational Purposes

Twitter for Teaching/Learning

Twitter Resources Specific to Academia


Twitter for Self Promotion/Self-Branding