Twitter participation: We will be trying out the social media, Twitter, as a backchannel for the course, and to help you experience some of the scholarly practices about which you will be reading, as well as to facilitate your critical reflection on the integration of this particular socio-technical space into adult learning and professional practices. Please follow these guidelines for using Twitter and for tweeting on a regular basis:
- If you have not already, sign-up for Twitter at
- Post your Twitter handle (for example, Chris’s is @chrisgreenhow) on our Social Media Accounts Google Spreadsheet:
- Follow Christine Greenhow on Twitter (@chrisgreenhow). Go to or you can search for us in Twitter’s search box and click the “Follow” button.
- Identify at least 25 people/accounts beyond our class to follow on Twitter to help you learn about your research interest area and communicating via social media. At least 20 of these people should be outside of the EPET program.
- Post at least 1 tweet each day or 5 tweets a week for the duration of the course.
- Vary your type of posts. Some should be a RT (re-tweet) or @mention.
- “Favorite” the tweets in your own feed you think are worth highlighting.
- Your tweets for this course should use the hashtag: #MSUepet so we can all see your tweet. It will show up in the course site sidebar.
- Finally, here are some quick tips for Twitter newbies and veterans alike: A Beginners Guide to Twitter: 10 Tips for success
General Social Media & Twitter Specific Resources
Ultimate Twitter Guide:
Engagement best practices
More engagement best practices
Twitter Resources for Educational Purposes
Twitter for Teaching/Learning
- Tips for Twitter in Medical Education
- Although this was written for medical-specific courses, 11 out of the 12 tips are completely applicable to any higher-ed field, and the last tip can be altered to your field of choice.
- Twitter in Higher Education
- This offers some example ways to use Twitter in teaching practices and assignments in the higher-ed learning environment.
- Best Practices for Tweeting in Higher Education
- These are specific guidelines from a literature review on Twitter in higher education.
- 10 Ways to Learn from Twitter
- A list of practices to help you build your knowledge base in and out of your field.
- The teacher’s guide to Twitter
- A teacher’s (or anyone, really) orientation to twitter and tips to getting started for both the teacher and the students.
Twitter Resources Specific to Academia
- 10 Commandments of Twitter for Academics
- This article provides advice on what to do on Twitter. Read the whole article–don’t just skip to the numbered list. There is a lot more valuable information in the text of the article.
- Should you use Twitter for Promotion?
- This article is short and gives you some food-for-thought to consider before promoting on Twitter. It also gives some guidelines should you decide to use Twitter as a promotion platform.
- Social Media to Promote Research
- This page by University College Dublin Library gives a fantastic overview of Twitter from making a good Tweet to managing your profile. There are additional links to slides and other resources that will help you and provide additional information.
- Twitter as a Tool for Sharing
- A brief, step-by-step guide to building your professional network on Twitter.
- MSU Communications Toolkit for Academics
- Contains tips for academics on how to use social media professionally and several links to resources.
- 20 Inspiring Women to Follow
- This is Twitter-specific, but these are mostly academics who are doing interesting things in their field, and many of them overlap with areas of interest in the course.
- Tips and Tricks for Academics
- This article delves into tips and tricks for promoting your research online as well as general social media practices, including managing your digital identity across multiple platforms.
- 5 Ways Twitter Can Help you Reach your Career Goals
- How Academics can use Twitter more effectively
Twitter for Self Promotion/Self-Branding
- Personal Branding: Presentation by Anna Ankenbrand, CEP 956 student and former marketing professional
- Additional Resources from Anna:
- Freberg, K. (2019). Social media for strategic communication: Creative strategies and research-based applications.Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
- Freberg, K. (2019). Portfolio building activities in social media: Exercises in strategic communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
- Patel, S. (2016). 9 ways to use social media to build your personal brand. Forbes.Retrieved from
- Chen, J. (2017). The ultimate guide to personal branding. Sprout Social. Retrieved from
- 10 steps to building your personal brand on social media. Retrieved from
- Self Promotion of Social Media
- The Guide to Social Media Etiquette
- Do’s and Don’ts of Self Branding
- How to enhance the content you post for maximum reach