Media and Learning:  Beginning the Debate
 introduce  Base Group Check-in  Q1 and Q2 in Base Groups

Check-in Question:
What would constitute a “perfect” day for you? You do not have permission to view this form.

read  Readings
  • Social Media Activity –> Be ready to share which social media you will choose to explore.
  • Post initial responses to Discussion Board questions by Thursday, September 9 at midnight EST.
  • Post responses to 2 peers (per question) by Saturday, September 11 at midnight EST.
  • Final Project: Interest Statement due Monday, September 13 before class –> Submit to ‘Interest Statement’ Dropbox on D2L
 checkout  Base Group Check-out  Q3 and Q4 in Base Groups

Just for Fun Optional! The New York Times Learning Network created a crossword puzzle on Social Media. “Play the crossword to learn more about social media and how it is changing the way we communicate.”
Social Media Crossword Puzzle
Answers here, but try not to look. 🙂