Email Sent: Monday 11/22/21
Subject: CEP 956: Welcome to Week 12 (Nov 22-28) Async Online
Hi Betul, Suha, Jeong, Abdu, 

Welcome to Week 12 online in Part III: Social Media, Pedagogy & Policy.  

I hope you’re having a good Monday! This email contains important updates. Thanks for reading it carefully. 

Login to the course site to see the schedule for this week (November 22-December 28):


Please Check-in with your Base Group at the beginning of the week by answering the Base Group Check-in questions early in the week and then, Check-out by answering the Check-out questions at the end of the week. 


 Social Media & Policy: Access, Use and Outcomes” 
Last week we considered research on how to “teach” or “facilitate learning” with social media among various groups in various contexts such as K-12 education, college students, adults, and teachers as learners in teacher education.  

This week we’ll consider the discussions we’ve been having about “mind” (various theories, aspects and types of learning) and “media” (broad and specific social media and media generally) in “society” as we consider policy perspectives in our discussion.   

– What role do we as researchers play in informing and influencing policies?   

– What policies do we need?  

– What controversies exist in the policy realm related to our topic?  

– How do we think about educational technology policy in the broader context of U.S. educational policy?  These readings raise some of these questions.  


Please read the three posted readings by Greenhow, et al. and Krutka, et al., and Ahn et al. as you think about the posted discussion forum question (W12 Q1) for this week.  Skim the other optional readings as your time and interests allow.  


NEW! No responses to peers are required for this week so that you may focus on your initial post and your article writing. That said, I encourage you to review what your peers have written in the forum and be ready to discuss synchronously in class on November 29.   



  • Initial post for Wk 12 online due Friday, November 26 by midnight. 
  • NO Responses to peers 
  • Discussion Synthesis – BG#2 by noon on Monday, November 29 
  • Second Draft due on Friday, December 3 –> Submit to “Second Draft” Dropbox on D2L 
  • Response to Reviewers due on Friday, December 3  –> Submit to “Response to Reviewers” Dropbox on D2L 
  • Individual Paper Conferences (7-8:30) during class on Monday, November 29 
  • Prepare to Share your article summary in last sync class on Monday, December 6 
  • Final article due December 17 to D2L 


Any questions for me, please let me know. Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who are celebrating it this week!



P.S. If you lose track of this email, no problem. I post weekly emailed reminders in the upper right-hand corner of the class website. 🙂  





[*NOTE: This is a repeat of my email directions sent 11/3]   

If you are trying to login to the course website from home you must login to the MSU VPN prior to logging into the dashboard for our WordPress site.   


Here are details below about why this change from MSU and how to install the MSU VPN on your computer.  If any of this is unclear, the MSU IT service desk can talk you through it.  I found it was quick and easy and they were very helpful:   


Why this change is being made to first require a VPN login
WordPress Login Access Template.docx


About Firewalls and Virtual Private Networks (VPN)  


How to install the MSU VPN (F5 BIG-IP Client):


Logging in to the MSU VPN:


For help solving problems with the VPN:  

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