Welcome! CEP956 Pre-course Schedule Announcement

Hi Everyone, 

I hope you are having a wonderful and rejuvenating summer. I am thrilled that you have enrolled in the advanced doctoral course: CEP 956: Mind, Media, & Learning. 

As I mentioned in my email to each of you on 6/23/20, I am an Associate Professor in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology (EPET) within the College of Education, and I will be your course instructor.


I love teaching this course because in addition to a pre-defined curriculum, I build the course around your interests and demystify the ‘how to get published’ process. Most students will end up publishing their final paper. I am excited to meet you and learn about your different research interests and course and career goals.

Below is an overview of our course schedule so that you can plan ahead. Could you please REPLY to this email so that I know you got it?  Thank you!

Online Course Format

I have been teaching online, in-person, and hybrid courses for almost a decade. Based on guidance from our College, graduate student survey results, and what some of you have told me in your email responses, we will run this course partly synchronous online and partly asynchronous online, alternating weeks where we meet at the same time and weeks where people are reading deeply, engaging with the content and working on assignments at their own pace. 


Schedule Overview for CEP 956 Fall 2020

As you can see from the Course Schedule, classes start on Wednesday, September 2, but our class is scheduled for Mondays throughout the semester; the first Monday, however, is the Labor Day holiday.  Therefore, I will be using the first full week of classes to gather information from you in several formats – asynchronously – and we will hold our first synchronous course meeting on September 14, 6-8:50pm.


**Please mark your calendars with this schedule below. More information, such as links to the course website, syllabus, assignments, etc., will be coming in the weeks ahead, but for now, I thought it would help you in your fall planning to record these dates. 


Week of September 2-13
Asynchronous introductory activities
**Sent to you before the Labor Day weekend to minimize your working over the holiday.



Monday, September 14, 6-8:50pm EST 
Synchronous online meeting via Zoom (URL and instructions provided later)


Week of September 21-27
Asynchronous class discussion and activities


Monday, September 28, 6-8:50pm EST  
Synchronous online meeting via Zoom 


Week of October 5-11
Asynchronous class discussion and activities


Monday, October 12, 6-8:50pm  EST

Synchronous online meeting via Zoom 


Week of October 19-25

Asynchronous class discussion and activities


Monday, October 26, 6-8:50pm  EST 

Synchronous online meeting via Zoom 


Week of November 2-8     

Asynchronous class discussion and activities


Monday, November 9, 6-8:50pm  EST 

Synchronous online meeting via Zoom 


Week of November 16-22     

Asynchronous class discussion and activities


Monday, November 23, 6-8:50pm  EST 

Synchronous online meeting via Zoom 


Week of November 30 – Dec 6    

Asynchronous class discussion and activities


Monday, December 7, 6-8:50pm   EST

Synchronous online meeting via Zoom 



Participation, synchronous and asynchronous, is a big part of this course. Please let me know in advance if you have any conflicts. If you haven’t already, please let me know if you have never used Zoom video-conferencing. No experience is required, but I would like to know if this technology is new to you. 


I will be sending more information to get you set-up for this course in the days ahead.


Thank you!



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