Social Network Sites, Microblogs and Learning
introduce Base Group Check-in Q1 and Q2 in Base Groups

Check-in Question: What are your greatest talents? If I needed your help to do something, what would it be?
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read Readings
Whole Group Discussion Discussion Ground Rules

  • Ideas or controversies you want us to address
  • New questions or burning issues
  • How these readings connect to your research interests or goals for this course

Discussion Synthesis W6 – Instructor

15 min Take a break!
Guest Speaker
Bret Staudt Willet
  1. Tell us about your research – what do you study?
  2. Finding a home for your article
    1. Tell us about your process of selecting a journal and pitching the editor. Do you have any advice?
  3. Publishing process: from outline to final
    1. What tips do you have about moving from outline to first draft and/or the drafting process?
    2. Did the publishing process go smoothly for you?
    3. What was the most challenging part?
    4. What advice would you have for turning the first draft assignment into a publishable article?

Bret’s slides:

Bret’s website: – connect with him on social media!

Check out Bret’s awesome article:
Staudt Willet, K. B. (2019). Revisiting how and why educators use Twitter: Tweet types and purposes in #Edchat. Journal of Research on Technology in Education 51, 273-289.

Article for Publication
  • Cover email – how did it go?
  • Writing Draft #1 of Article Due Nov. 2
  • Peer Review Assignment
    • Assigned by Nov. 3 via email
    • Complete peer review of one paper & submit to D2L by 9am November 9
Social Media Activity
  • Explore your chosen social media (SM) (i.e., ResearchGate, Flipgrid, Pinterest).
  • What makes your choice a “social media”?
  • As you explore your SM, think about its affordances for learning or teaching or academia.
  • What ideas from class/readings resonate for your in your space, if any?
  • Add your social media to our list
  • Initial post for wk 8 online due Thursday, November 5 by midnight.
  • 2 Responses/question due Saturday, November 7 by midnight.
  • Discussion Synthesis Wk 8 – Instructor
  • Draft #1 of Article due November 2 — Submit to “First Draft” Dropbox in D2L
  • Continue with your chosen social media
  • Peer review of one paper draft due by 9am on Monday, November 9. Submit to “Peer Review 1” Dropbox folder on D2L. Be sure your peer review includes one document that answers the peer review guidelines questions & one document that is your Tracked Changes version of draft article.
checkout Base Group Checkout Q3 and Q4 in Base Groups