Supplemental Readings List

(I.) Foundations to Mind, Social Media & Society

Media and Learning: Beginning the Debate


Defining Social Media and Learning


Optional (additional literature reviews of the research on social media and learning):

(II.) Research on Learning and Social Media – Cognitive, Social, Emotional Issues

Social Network Sites and Learning


Microblogs and Learning


Social Writing, Literacies and Scholarship


(III.) Social Media, Pedagogy & Policy

Facilitating Learning with Social Media
Facilitating learning with social media in K-20 education
*You do not need to read all these articles to answer this week’s questions. Please pick and choose as your time and area of interest dictate. For additional studies on a K-12 & higher education settings see the supplemental readings list

Professionals learning and development with social media


Social Media Policy: Access, Use, and Outcomes


(IV.) Contemporary Issues in Mind, Media & Society


Welser, H. T., Smith, M., Fisher, D., & Gleave, E. (2008). Distilling Digital Traces: Computational Social Science Approaches to Studying the Internet. In The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods (pp. 116–140). 1 Oliver’s Yard,  55 City Road,  London  England  EC1Y 1SP  United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd. Retrieved from


Bali, M. (2014). MOOC pedagogy: gleaning good practice from existing MOOCs. MERLOT. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 10(1), 44–56.

Kay, J., Reimann, P., Diebold, E., & Kummerfeld, B. (2013). MOOCs: So Many Learners, So Much Potential… IEEE Intelligent Systems, (3), 70–77.

Milligan, C., Littlejohn, A., & Margaryan, A. (2013). PATTERNS OF ENGAGEMENT IN CONNECTIVIST MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSES. Retrieved from

Waite, M., Mackness, J., Roberts, G., & Lovegrove, E. (2013). Liminal participants and skilled orienteers: Learner participation in a MOOC for new lecturers. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 9(2), 200–215.

Weld, D. S., Adar, E., Chilton, L., Hoffmann, R., Horvitz, E., Koch, M., … Mausam, M. (2012). Personalized online education—a crowdsourcing challenge. In Workshops at the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1–31). Retrieved from


Rodesiler, L. (2014). Weaving contexts of participation online: The digital tapestry of secondary English teachers. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 14(2), 72–100.

Schlager, M. S., Farooq, U., Fusco, J., Schank, P., & Dwyer, N. (2009). Analyzing Online Teacher Networks: Cyber Networks Require Cyber Research Tools. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(1), 86–100.


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