Email Subject: CEP 956 Looking ahead to Wk 7 Synch Class – Monday 10/26 at 6pm
Sent: Sunday 10/25/20
Hi Brittney, Madison, Selin,
Happy Sunday! I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night, Monday October 26 at 6pm EST using our class’ Whole Group Zoom on the course website.
We will discuss the readings, your posts and responses related to Research on Learning (with/on/through) Social Media – Cognitive, Social, Emotional Issues. This email contains a few reminders and updates before class tomorrow. Thank you for reading it!
NEW! Week 4 Online Discussion feedback and scores has been posted on D2L.
Please remember to complete the Check-out for this online week by answering the Check-out questions at the end of the week.
1) Login to the course website.
2) Then, go to that week’s schedule page and find the Base Group Check-in (or Check-out) question for the week (e.g., W6 October 19-25 Online from the drop-down menu)
3) Email or otherwise contact your Base Group members when you have Checked-in and Checked-out to let them know you have done so. This way the group can help support its members, get to know its members, and build trust over time.
4) To see how your answers and scores compare with your group overall, go to the Base Groups page. Find your Base Group. Click on your group and find the appropriate tab at the top to see the other member(s) Check-in or Check-out Answers.
**I enjoyed learning about your colors! The favorite color I am is red; it reminds me of apples, fall leaves, crayons, church cushions, cardinals against snow…and being that color makes me feel joy.
“Social Networks, Microblogs and Learning”
Come to class ready to discuss your ideas and critiques of these articles!
BE READY TO UPDATE US ON YOUR COVER EMAIL on 10/26! Did you get a response? What was it? How did it feel to send it out?
GUEST SPEAKER! Tomorrow night we will have guest speaker, Bret Staudt Willet, a rising star in the field of educational technology. He published his final paper for this class in one of the top journals in the field. Bret shares insights on making the most of the first draft assignment and the publishing process. Learn more about him at:
Attached is his published article from this class “Revisiting how and why educators use Twitter: Tweet types and purposes in #Edchat” in Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE). I will also post this on the schedule page tomorrow.
Any questions for me, please let me know. Thanks, and see you Monday!