Facilitating Learning with Social Media
    Individual Paper Conferences Sign-Up

introduce Base Group Check-in Q1 and Q2 in Base Groups

Check-in Question: What three things are you most thankful for? Share one or two of them.
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read Readings Facilitating learning with social media in K-20 education
*You do not need to read all these articles to answer this week’s questions. Please pick and choose as your time and area of interest dictate. For additional studies on a K-12 & higher education settings see the supplemental readings list.
Professionals learning and development with social media
  Discussion Forum  Discussion Ground Rules


  • Ideas or controversies you want us to address
  • New questions or burning issues
  • How these readings connect to your research interests or goals for this course

Discussion Synthesis W10 – Instructor

  15 min Jumping jacks! Silly walks! Take a break! 
  Reflection on your Social Media Activity Please complete Social Media Reflection 1 (10 min)


  1. Share about your social media space: What is it and what makes it a social media?
  2. One idea from the readings that is demonstrated or contradicted or otherwise resonates for you in your space;
  3. As a teacher, what are your practical recommendations for using it in education (or not) and why?


  • Initial post for wk 12 online due Friday, November 26 by midnight.
  • NO Responses to peers 
  • Discussion Synthesis – BG#2 by noon on Monday, November 29
  • Second Draft due on Wednesday, December 1–> Submit to “Second Draft” Dropbox on D2L
  • Response to Reviewers due on Wednesday, December 1  –> Submit to “Response to Reviewers” Dropbox on D2L
  • How to install the MSU VPN (F5 BIG-IP Client):https://itservicedesk.msu.edu/KB/419387 

    Logging in to the MSU VPN:new.vpn.msu.edu 

    For help solving problems with the VPN

 checkout  Base Group Check-out Q3 and Q4 in Base Groups