The purpose of the research report is to practice and improve your written and oral summaries of empirical research (i.e., an article reporting the gathering of data and drawing of inferences from those data). Thus, for each research report, your task is to:

  • Find a new study that interests you,
  • Write a brief, 1-page summary of the study, and
  • Present a 5-minute oral summary presentation to some of your classmates during a synchronous class session.

At a minimum, you must review at least one quantitative and one qualitative study during the semester. Research reports will be submitted via D2L and saved as RR#_Lastname (e.g., RR1_Greenhow).

Written Research Report (1 page, or 300 words)

Your written research report should be a structured narrative of not more than 300 words, where “structured” indicates that your written research report should include the following eight elements: (1) Need, (2) Purpose, (3) Sample(s), (4) Methods, (5) Results, (6) Conclusions, (7) Limitations, (8) Implications, (9) Reflection on your own work/research (e.g., Where does this leave me? How does this research related to where I am heading in my own study or area of inquiry?). A sample RR is provided below based on a recent article by Baeten, Docy, and Struyven (2012).

Oral Research Report (5 minutes)

Your oral RR presentation should include both (a) the information in your written RR, (b) an expanded discussion of any information you believe is critical for your listeners, and (c) the significance of the study and how it contributes to your for your broader research interest(s). You can use KeyNote, PowerPoint, or online presentation software, but be sure to provide a copy of your presentation when you upload your summary to D2L. Your classmates will give you feedback in class on your oral RR based on the following criteria:

  • Elements. The presenter adequately addressed the research report’s essential elements: Need, Purpose, Sample(s), Methods, Results, Conclusions, Limitations, Implications.
  • Significance. The presenter explained the significance of the work and how it contributes to their broader research interests.
  • Delivery. The presentation was organized and delivered in a clear, engaging, and professional manner.
  • Comprehensibility. The presentation could be understood by an educated but non-expert audience.
  • Visual Aids. The visual aids were appropriate, effectively used, and appealing.






Poor/Not Addressed





Sample Written Research Report

Baeten, M., Docy, F., & Struyven, K. (2012). The effects of different learning environments on students’ motivation for learning and their achievement. British Journal of Educational Psychology, online early view.

  • (1) Background. Research comparing student-centered and lecture-based learning environments often ignores the support of psychological needs. From a self-determination theory perspective, this is a problem because the support of students’ needs is associated with increased autonomous motivation and achievement.
  • (2) Purpose. This study addresses this issue by comparing the effects of different learning environments on students’ motivation for learning and achievement while also taking into account students’ perceptions of need support.
  • (3) Sample. First-year student teachers (N= 1,098) in a child development course in the Flemish-speaking part of Belguim.
  • (4) Method. Using a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design, the study compared four learning environments: (1) lectures, (2) case-based learning (CBL), (3) alternation of lectures and CBL, and (4) gradual implementation from lectures to CBL. Students completed a prior knowledge test and a case-based assessment and self-reported motivation and need support.
  • (5) Results. Compared to CBL, autonomous motivation and achievement increased in the gradually implemented CBL environment. Specifically, students in the lecture-based learning environment scored higher than students in the CBL environment, and students in the gradually implemented CBL environment scored higher than students in the alternated learning environment. Perceived need support was also positively related to autonomous motivation, and negatively to controlled motivation.
  • (6) Conclusions. The study emphasizes the importance of perceived need support and the gradual introduction of CBL among first-year, Flemish-speaking student teachers in Belgium.
  • (7) Limitations. The study is limited by a quasi-experimental design in existing classrooms, and by the use of self-reports which, compared to trained raters, are subject to bias.
  • (8) Implications. Future research is needed to determine whether prior subject knowledge and/or prior experience with CBL affects results, as first-year students may be deficient compared to older, more experienced students.
  • (9) Reflection on your own work/research (e.g., Where does this leave me? How does this research related to where I am heading in my own study or area of inquiry?).