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W6 Q2 Abduvokhid
19 Posts
October 7, 2021 - 8:02 pm

In my opinion Ellison (et al. 2007) and Junco (et al. 2011) discussing different issues about social media. While Ellison is advocating the influence of social media on social capital, Junco critically reviews the impact of SNS on academic achievement. Hence, I think they used appropriate methods to prove their ideas. However, considering that both researchers achieved their goals, I think that the results of Junco are more compelling than Ellison’s due to the range, amount and more reliable outcome data.
In terms of range, Junco featured participants from various universities, while Ellison participants were limited to MSU students. Given that different institutions educate their students in different ways and students’ approaches to studying vary from place to place, a limited number of participants cannot show broadly consistent results. For instance, when 1839 surveys (48%) were completed from 3866 participants in Junco’s research, 286 (35,8%) of 800 were completed in Ellison’s. In addition, Ellison (et al. 2007) admits that “demographic information about non-responders was not available, therefore we do not know whether a bias existed in regards to the survey participants.”
Turning to reliability, Junco argues that Facebook users spent a substantial amount of time on Facebook, reporting a mean of 106 min including 24 min per check. However, Ellison points out 10 and 30 minutes on average using Facebook each day despite he had results such as 2 = 31–60, 3 = 1–2 hours, 4 = 2–3 hours, 5 = more than 3 hours. It is the same amount of time that I spend on Facebook in reality. Ellison’s data would be correct in terms of calculation, but not corresponds with reality. At this point, we can see the relation between the result and the number of participants, and it proves Junco had a more appropriate approach.
Last but not least, Junco’s research has a more practical impact in terms of learning by SNS. Undoubtedly, creating social capital is one of the most affordances of Facebook as Ellison emphasize. However, this social capital could bring benefits if it is targeted, for instance, to the learning in our case. Regarding this issue, Junco discusses one of the weaknesses of Facebook in the learning process, which need a solution, with the example of its impact on academic performance. We can see the same rising issues in the researches of Ebner (et al. 2009) and Elavsky (et al. 2011).

28 Posts
October 7, 2021 - 11:42 pm

Hello Abdu,

I appreciate your reasons for the fact that why you see Junco’s study more compelling than Ellison et al.’s study. However, I do not fully agree with your points about amount and reliability. First of all, if I understood correctly, you are saying that the finding in Ellison et al.’s study about the amount of time spent on Facebook (10-30 minutes) does not match with reality. However, the study was published in 2007 when smart phones, tablets, and even laptops were not commonly used as much as today in addition to less common internet access. There is a 5-year difference between publication dates of two studies, which means huge difference in terms of technology. This might be a reason for the time being less than you expected. Secondly, I wonder your ideas about the possible confounding variables in Junco’s study because the relationship between time spent on Facebook and GPA might not reflect the reality unless confounding variables are not controlled.

19 Posts
October 8, 2021 - 11:24 pm

Hi Betul!

Yes, you are completely right about Ellison’s time spending results. It was an older study, however, for this reason, I found that Junco’s is more compelling, because he is considering more recent analyses. That’s why I mentioned that both of them reached their goals, both pieces of research are correct in their ways, but Junco is rising a more important issue to solve.
Regarding the second issue, yes, you are right here too. However, I just compared the results with my experiences and witnesses, and it seems to me Junco is right to some extend. In my 15 years of experience in teaching, I saw some students who spent their time in social media and failed academic achievement. Therefore, I prefer Junco’s research is, he is rising the real question, even there are some complications and blurs, he is pointing out researchers to find a real solution for the real issue.

19 Posts
October 8, 2021 - 11:26 pm

By the way, thanks for your thoughtful consideration! I found that I will consider all aspects!!

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