Email Communication
Week 3 Announcement
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2021
Subject: CEP 956: Reminders & Looking Ahead to Week 3
Hi Betul, Jeong, Suha,
I hope you’re having a great week! This email contains important reminders as we wrap up week 2 and look ahead to the next synchronous class meeting. Thank you for reading it carefully.
We have our next synchronous online class meeting: Monday, September 13, 2021
from 6-8:50pm (and on alternating Mondays after this).
Please use this Zoom link.
**This is the same link you will now find on the course websiteZoom Whole Class Discussion.
Thank you so much for posting your introductions in the online forum. I’ve enjoyed hearing about your goals, and I have posted a response to each of you!
“Will Media Ever Influence Learning: A Heated Debate”
Thank you all for your initial posts on the two guided reading questions within our online discussion forum. All posts were on time, within the word limits, and responded thoughtfully to the questions. Well done!
For W2 Q1, I have responded to each of your initial posts. I look forward to your thoughts on my questions and/or your responses to your peers.
- Post your response to your two peers’ initial posts (per question), so 4 responses from you total, by Saturday, Sept. 11 at midnight EST. Alternatively, you can post one response to a peer’s initial post and respond to someone else’s response to your initial post (per question), so still a minimum of 4 responses from you total. You can of course post more than this if you wish.
- The goal of the online forum is to give you time to engage deeply with the readings & generate sparks for in-class discussion.
It looks like all of you have completed the Base Group Check-in question for this week online. Great! Please remember to Check-out by answering the Check-out questions on the schedule page at the end of the week.
1) Login to the course website.
2) Then, go to that week’s schedule page and find the Base Group Check-in (or Check-out) question for the week (e.g., W2 Sept 6-12 Async Online from the drop-down menu)
3) Email or otherwise contact your Base Group members when you have Checked-in and Checked-out to let them know you have done so. This way the group can help support its members, get to know its members, and build trust over time.
4) To see how your answers and scores compare with your group overall, go to the Base Groups page. Find your Base Group. Click on your group and find the appropriate tab at the top to see the other member(s) Check-in or Check-out Answers.
- Post your response to your two peers’ initial posts (per question), so 4 responses from you total, by Saturday, Sept. 11 at midnight EST. Alternatively, you can post one response to a peer’s initial post and respond to someone else’s response to your initial post (per question), so still 4 responses from you total.
- The goal of the online forum is to give you time to engage deeply with the readings & generate sparks for in-class discussion.
- Consider what you’d like to do for your Social Media Activity. At our next class meeting I will go over a couple of example activities, and we’ll discuss your ideas based on your goals for the class, your research and career.
- Interest Statementfor publishable article due before class on Monday, September 13 —> Submit to Dropbox on D2L
Please review the requirements for the ‘Article for Publication: Interest Statement’ on the course website as you prepare your 1-page Interest Statement this week
Any questions, please let me know.
Thanks, and see you online!
P.S. If you lose track of this email, no problem. I post weekly emailed reminders in the upper right-hand corner of the class website.